On 9th April 2018 The Project (Channel Ten) interviewed PRISM co-founders Dr Stephen Bright and Steve McDonald about the need for Australia to embrace formal research into psychedelic medicines.
ABC Radio National’s program The Drawing Room recently interviewed PRISM’s Steve McDonald and Ridiculusmus Artistic Director David Woods about MDMA-therapy to treat posttraumatic stress
As UK researchers begin human therapeutic experiments using the psychedelic drug LSD an Australian group are setting up the nation’s first clinical study using MDMA
Steve McDonald from PRISM talks to the 7.30 Report on ABC TV: War veterans are pushing for a trial of drugs like MDMA and LSD in the treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
PRISM asks the Australian Parliament about drug law reform: A month or so ago, we partnered with OurSay (the social enterprise working at revitalising democratic engagement) to crowd source
A WAR veteran is fighting for a party drug to be legalised for medical use, after US research found it may be able to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).